Humility, Love and Joy

Our Brotherhood

Spirited and courageous missionary disciples fighting together alongside their brothers to cultivate a Christ centered culture in South Sudan and Africa as a whole. This guides all of our actions, the decisions we make, and where we concentrate our efforts. We invite men to live into the fullness of Christ’s purpose for their life

St. Martin De Porres History

The Congregation of the St. Martin De Porres Brothers is a lay Religious Congregation founded by the late Bishop Sisto Mazzoldi of the Comboni Missionary Society in 1953 in the Catholic Metropolitan Archdiocese of Juba, South Sudan and the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide granted a “Nihil obstat” on 27th October 1952 (Prot. No.3388/52: thus Bishop Mazzoldi issued a decree of erection of the Institute on 23rd March 1953.  In 1950s, there were  serious needs of dedicated young men to help teach in schools of all levels especially in the Catholic Schools to address the needs and the improvement of Education in the then Sudan.

School Projects

St. Martin De Porres Nursery and Primary School in Nebi, Uganda.

St Thomas secondary school - Kuron

St. Martin De Porres Brothers Commurity - Narus


Primary Education

11 girls and 9 boys needy students supported by the Brothers in Bro. Augusto Memorial Primary School


Goal: 100%

Raised: 21%

Secondary Education

13 girls and 7 boys needy students supported by the Brothers in Bro. Augusto Memorial Secondary School by the  Brothers


Goal: 100%

Raised: 20%

Support our cause

Join us in igniting and inviting children of God to live into the fullness of Christ’s purpose for their life by making a financial gift to the ministry!