About Us
To plan the mustard seed for emerging future of the Congregation and gladly give our contribution to the development of a self-sufficient local Church.
To participate in the Pastoral mission of the Church and live a life of humble service to all especially the most needy of meekness and patience.
To be the best center of Holistic Learning at Primary Education with a National Impact.

In particular, we are engaged in and serve in various ministries:
• Teaching in schools at all levels
• Pastoral work in Parishes
• Social activities (taking care of the people affected by Leprosy)
• Technical activities
• Accompanying those who are journeying in faith through the catechumenate
• Liturgical training and programs of formation for ministry
• Writing
• Retreat work
• Promoting Christian unity and dialogue among religions and communities
• Involvement in social ministries that serve the poor and marginalized
• Safe and clean environment and trees planting
St. Martin De Porres History
The Congregation of the St. Martin De Porres Brothers is a lay Religious Congregation founded by the late Bishop Sisto Mazzoldi of the Comboni Missionary Society in 1953 in the Catholic Metropolitan Archdiocese of Juba, South Sudan and the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide granted a “Nihil obstat” on 27th October 1952 (Prot. No.3388/52: thus Bishop Mazzoldi issued a decree of erection of the Institute on 23rd March 1953. In 1950s, there were serious needs of dedicated young men to help teach in schools of all levels especially in the Catholic Schools to address the needs and the improvement of Education in the then Sudan.
This call was realized by the influx of the young men who joined the Congregation and soon the Congregation started to flourish through the apostolate of the young religious who whole heartedly embraced the life of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience to offer their services to the people of God who were in dire need of education. Unfortunately in 1964, all the Missionaries in then Sudan were expelled by the Military Government and imposed strict Islamic System of Education in Sudan. This was a serious blow to the young Congregation that was starting to take off with enthusiasm. Nevertheless the Congregation was forced to flee to exile in Uganda where it started again in refugee camps with some Missionaries who flew from their Countries to meet with South Sudanese Refugees in various camps and continued with the missionary activities there.
Generally, the Congregation has been a pilgrim Congregation due to wars in both the Sudan and Uganda where the Congregation has expanded. This has seriously affected the steady progress of the Congregation and the destruction of properties of the Congregation. To date, the Congregation is responsible for the imparting of educational knowledge to the people of God in different Countries in Africa where the Brothers are based especially; Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda and we are fully committed to fighting illiteracy and especially in South Sudan where the illiteracy is 65.48% which means only 34.52% are literate (World Bank 2018) . The challenges are insurmountable, but with the grace of God and with the support of the development partners we would be able to overcome some of them.
Our Plan
The Congregation of the St. Martin De’ Porres Brothers is governed by the General Council which constitutes five (5) members elected by General Chapter with the Superior General as the head and four (4) Assistants General for a term of six (6) years. Every six years the General Chapter is held to elect the new Superior General and the four Assistants and draws up plan for the next six years. This strategic plan was made in 2019 which include:
- Appointment of vocation directors
- Appointment of director for scholasticate
- Arrangements for the transfer of Postulancy to Layibi after one year
- Completion of the construction of class rooms at Lukome
- Brothers’ quarters be constructed in Lukome
- Organize workshops, seminars and annual retreats for the Brothers
- Completion of the formation house in Kit
- Bishop Sisto Mazzodi Secondary school, Lweza to celebrate Silver Jubilee in three years
- The current administration of Bishop Sisto Mazzoldi Secondary school be structured as soon as possible
- Upgrading the beds to three deckers
- Construction of dormitories for girls at the primary school
- Appointment of a qualified head teacher for Primary school
- Construction of class rooms, a multi-purpose hall, Kitchen and dining hall for the Secondary school at Bro. Augusto Memoral Secondary School – Kit
- Follow up the issue of the land of the Institute of education with the Community in Kit, Juba
- Prepare our own instructors for Lukome vocational school
- Need to prepare human resources to implement the establishment of the Institute
- To prepare Primary and secondary school teachers
- Train all community bursars in basic financial skills
- Make annual budget for each community and central administration
- Draw up a financial policy for the congregation
- Aquision of Land tittles for Kit, Palotaka, Torit, Layibi, Obia west, Rubaga, Lukome and Bishop Sisto Mazzoldi Secondary School
Our General Council

Bro. Dr. Bruno Amori Dada
Secretary General
Bro. Simplicio Iwarri Killings
Vicar General
Daniel Loding Onek
Superior General
Bro. Godfrey Bunya
Secretary for Formation
Bro. Frederick Lupai Lemi
Secretary for Personnel
Our partners