Bro. Augusto Memorial Secondary School – Kit


To promote sense of ability for self-studies, self-confidence and self-advance in the new frontier of science and technology, academic and vocational knowledge, skills and necessary knowledge and attitudes of development of self and the nation for future  good leadership.


“To provide a flexible responsive and integrated curriculum that will satisfy the necessary and contemporary educational needs of the people of South Sudan” (Justice, Peace and Reconciliation).


 “Non Scholae Sed Vitae Discimus” (education is not for Certificate only but for Life)


Our Projects

Some of the students being supported by the Brothers

Welcome of Msgr. Ionut Paul Charge’ d’Affairs, Vatican Embassy Juba

Bro. Francis prepares students and Pupils for Sacraments

We offer secondary education to both boys and girls in a caring Christian environment, within which students can realize their spiritual, intellectual, social and physical potential. While at Bro. Augusto Memorial Secondary School, our students live in a fairly conducive environment favoring them to learn, be nurtured and to understand with the help of our caring Rev. Brothers and teachers.


Bro. Augusto Memorial Secondary School –Kit is a secondary school named after one of the elder   brothers, BRO AUGUSTO LOPETA of the St. Martin De Porres Brothers’ Congregation. It was established in 2016 at St. Josephine Bhakta Primary School –Kator and it was later relocated to Kit with the late Rev. Bro John Bosco Herbert Moi Teko being the first head teacher. The school has a boarding section for both boys and girls. The school started with a small number of students and teachers but due to its popularity the number of both have progressively increased and continues to increase.

The school was built and established on Catholic religious norms and practices, peace building and reconciliation. We teach our students to be God fearing, responsible and hardworking citizens as our motto states “Non Scholae Sed Vitae Discimus”


Bro. Augusto Memorial Secondary College-Kit, is driven by the following objectives

  1. To develop children spiritually, mentally, socially, morally and physically as well as to develop a sense of belonging.
  2. To acquire necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for the development of self and the nation hence good leaders
  3. To promote harmonious co-existence to enhance understanding and respect for own and other peoples’ cultures and their place in contemporary society.
  4. To promote positive environmental and health practices through education