St. Martin De Porres Brothers Community -Narus

St. Martin de Porres Brothers Narus Community is located in Narus, St. Joseph the Husband of Blessed Mother Mary Catholic Parish, Catholic Diocese of Torit, Kapoeta East County, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan. The community was established in 1996 with the aim of having a Community of Brothers who would be responsible for running St. Daniel Comboni Boys Primary school. To this day, the Brothers are still administering the school.

The current members in this community are four Brothers: Bro. Eugene A. Otwari, Eric Onguti, Patrick Chance and Jonathan Muhindo are teaching and administering St. Daniel Comboni Boys Primary School.  Bro. Eugene A. Otwari teaches at St. Bakhita Girls Secondary School. Apart from teaching in the schools, the Brothers also help in the Parish activities like instructing the Catechumen, leading Eucharistic prayer in out stations, visit the sick and Aged in the community and also we are involved in farming, we plant Sorghum, Maize and Vegetable to help the needy in the community and to support our school.

By the grace of God, we normally help the most vulnerable children with special needs, orphans, street kids and forced married young Girls especially in education section by providing them with some personal needs like stationaries, mattresses, bed sheets, soap etc

Bro. Erick Onguti prepares for liturgy of the word In one of the prayer Centre

Evangelism and Pastoral Ministry: In the Pastoral field, we cooperate with Administration of the Dioceses in which we operate in order to facilitate Pastoral activities among the people of God by animating and teaching of catechists, animating youth organizations and adult catechesis and other special programs deemed necessary by the individual Dioceses among others.

Humanitarian and development support: In the Social field, we are working to improve social development of the people especially in hospital, caring for the handicapped, helping the orphans and the poor and most of all among the lepers. In the Archdiocese of Juba, we have taken a centre of Leper colony as a hot sport for our apostolate, this Centre is dedicated to our Patron Saint, Martin de’ Porres a Saint of the poor and social justice.

Brothers identify themselves with the lepers during pastoral visit at their homes

Vocational and technical support: In technical field, we are working to improve the living standard of the people by means of trades, and technical teaching and administration to be self-reliance as a means of enhancing life with dignity. This is the best we feel we can offer to educate them from among the disadvantaged not withstanding other challenges from some parents/guardians who find difficulties in school fees.

So far the Brothers are taking care of 21 Pupils in Bro. Augusto Memorial Primary School of which 11 are girls and 9 boys. Meanwhile in Bro. Augusto Memorial Secondary School, the Brothers are taking care of 20 students of which 13 are girls and 7 boys

Studies for brothers:

The Brothers will continue their studies in various Schools and colleges according to their abilities and the direction of their Superiors. They will frequent Teacher Training Colleges, Technical, and Medical Colleges and as well as Catechetical Centre. Every Brother is offered ample possibility to acquire the necessary qualifications for the job which will be entrusted to him. A sound education will enable the Brother to be a good educator to the youth.


Formation House:

Consecration To God’s Services.

The St. Martin Brothers live a life of prayer in a true bond of family love lived in common. After two years of discernment, a postulant is admitted to the Novitiate. During a period of two years spent in the Novitiate, young man will be trained and initiated to the religious life. After the Novitiate the Candidate(s) may be admitted to the religious profession. He will consecrate himself to God’s services and of his neighbor through the three religious vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.

Where we serve

A major ministry of the Congregation of the Saint Martin De Porres is serving in Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, and Parishes and making it authentic apostolate.
In South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda, we serve in the following Dioceses

Archdiocese of Juba:
Terekeka Pastoral Region

Diocese of Torit:
Narus (St. Daniel Comboni Primary School)
Kuron (St. Thomas Primary and St. Thomas secondary Schools)
Torit (St. Theresa’s Primary and Johnson Akio Memorial Secondary Schools)

Nebi Diocese
Nebbi (St. Martin De’ Porres Primary School)

Gulu Archdiocese
Negri (Negri Primary School)
Lukome (Formation House Novitiate and Postulancy)

Kampala Archdiocese
Lweza (Bishop Sisto Mazzoldi Secondary School)