St Thomas secondary school - Kuron


The mission of St Thomas secondary school is to provide excellent education in eastern equatoria and neighboring greater Pibor, targeting Primary eight leavers of those two states and others.


Our vision is to provide quality, first rate education that empowers students to strive for personal excellence and become lifelong learners. St Thomas secondary school endeavors to produce graduates with strong Catholic values who see themselves as servants of God, be critical thinkers, effective communicators and leaders of their communities.

About us

Founded in 2021, St Thomas secondary school Kuron is a comprehensive, four years mixed boarding school of the Holy Trinity Kuron Peace Village (HTKPV) a non-profit faith-based organization founded by Late Emeritus Bishop Paride Taban of the Catholic Diocese of Torit in 1998

St Thomas secondary school was established through community demanded since there is not a single existing secondary school in Kuron area. Consequently, Pupils who complete their Primary school education from Kuron, are compelled to access secondary education either in Narus or Kapoeta which is 200 miles and 270 kilometers away from Kuron . Kuron is situated in a very remote and hard to reach part of the area. The roads system is very poor and the area is totally limited to basic services in education, health, and water which is mainly provided by holy trinity peace village. The establishment of this school is a huge contribution to the growth in the education sector of Kapoeta and pathway to the growth of overall education of the youths. It will positively impart the future growth and sustainable education in eastern Equatoria State. St Thomas secondary School serves the diverse population of learners from different parts of eastern equatoria and Boma in Greater Pibor Administrative areas .St Thomas secondary school was officially opened for classes in May, 2021 with 19 students, four teaching staff and two non-teaching staff now the number have risen to more than two hundred students.

The school is very important being the only secondary school in the area. We envisage that the school will contribute a lot in increasing literacy rates among the youth who are idle and sometimes engaged in cattle raiding due to lack of education and employment opportunities in the area. The school serves to potentially empower the youth including girls, raising people’s economic status and reducing infant mortality rates. The school is entrusted in the hands of the Brothers of St Martin de Porres which is in line with the Late Emeritus bishop’s dreams to have the Brothers stationed in Kuron Peace Village to improve on education and pastoral activities